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Consultation for the Federation of the Governing Bodies of Gainsborough Nursery School and Wyndham Park Nursery School

Following our letter sent to stakeholders on the 28th April 2023 announcing consultation on our proposals to federate the governing bodies of Gainsborough Nursery School and Wyndham Park Nursery School we are writing to confirm the closure and outcomes of consultation.

Having carefully considered all consultation responses received, the Governors from both governing bodies agreed that federation proposals should proceed as published.
Action will now be taken forward by the Joint Committee to enable federation of both maintained nursery schools with effect from 2nd October 2023.

We are very excited by this opportunity to secure and sustain the future of both our schools whilst maintaining their individual identities and ethos.

Yours faithfully
Tim Elwess  & Dr Rachael Sharpe
Chairs of Governors Gainsborough Nursery School & Wyndham Park Nursery School